What I find really interesting about the first part of Cupid and Psyche is Venus, Cupids mother tells her son to "let the girl be seized by violent, burning passion for the most wretched of men, one to whom Fortune has denied rank, wealth, even health, one so insignificant there is none on earth equal to him in misery." Yet, even after his mother gave him those orders, Cupid went and married Psyche. I was really surprised when after Psyche revealed her husband was Cupid, to her sisters, they both went and jumped off a cliff, trying to marry him themselves. This story is upon which Beauty and the Beast is based however, I think there is a little bit of Cinderella in it as well, because both sisters are jealous of what the younger one has. I am curious why Cupid did not want Psyche to know who we was; why he wanted his identity kept a secret. I could write a story where Psyche knowingly marries Cupid however, since that is the main plot of the story I feel like I would be ruining the story. Maybe instead one of the sisters won't jump off the cliff and will instead marry Cupid. I also don't like how Cupid sneaks into Psyches bedroom every night, and she lets him regardless of the fact she has no clue of what he looks like.
Bibliography: "Cupid and Psyche" in the novel The Golden Ass, written by Apuleius and translated by Tony Kline
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